Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay Art Life of Langston Hughes - 5893 Words

Throughout our lives, we often deal with boundaries created by society and ourselves. Racism and prejudices have plagued our society for years. There have been many people using many methods techniques in the fight against racism. One man used his art and the power of words to bring forth the issues of injustice suffered in America, he was Langston Hughes. Langston Hughes was a Negro Writer, born at the turn of the century in 1902, in Joplin, Missouri. His ancestry included three major race groups, however, he lived and was identified as a Negro or Colored (Hughes referred to himself as colored or Negro, because those were the terms used to refer to African-Americans in this era). He spent most of his early years with his grandmother†¦show more content†¦His experience with Religion was not what he anticipated, he truly expected to see Jesus once he was ‘saved’. In The Big Sea Hughes describes his experience with the Church and his aunt Mary. They were to atten d a local revival, during the days leading up to the event, Hughes aunt tells him repeatedly that he will be ‘saved’. Aunt Mary stressed that he would see the light and Jesus will come into his life. When he arrived, the atmosphere in the church on this night was highly charged with excitement and anticipation. While at this revival, he comes to the sudden realization that Jesus will not physically come save him. Hughes is forced by peer pressure to lie and go up to the church alter and be saved. Inside he felt a tremendous let down when this did not occur. He felt by proclaiming himself saved that he was lying to Aunt Mary as well as the entire church congregation. He uses this story to illustrate how easy it is for children to misinterpret what adults mean and subsequently become disillusioned by what they have been told. It was this occurrence that caused Hughes’ faith in God and religion to diminish. After graduation Langston moved with his mother moved to Cleveland, Ohio there they joined his stepfather Homer Clark. During the next four years, Langston attended Central High School, there he discovered the poetry and poems of Carl Sandburg and Paul Dunbar. Because his childhood was a lonely time, he combated his loneliness by reading and writingShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Poetry of Langston Hughes During the Harlem Renaissance1694 Words   |  7 Pagesrented to African Americans. A migration from the South and West Indies had allowed Harlem to become the cultural center of urban black America. People migrated in record numbers, but just as the cultural aspects of Harlem prospered other walks of life in Harlem suffered dramatically due to the ever increasing population. Having developed a distinctive culture, Harlem was the epicenter for black writers, artists and intellectuals during the 1920s. 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